Are We Required to Be Residents for a Certain Time Period Before Filing for Divorce?
Divorce is not a pleasant experience. If you have made the decision to go through with it, then you may want to get it over as soon as possible. In the state of Florida, there are residency requirements for couples who want to divorce. To ensure that you comply with the law, you should hire a family law firm in Tampa FL to represent you.
Basic Residency Requirements
Florida law states that the person filing for divorce must live in the state. It does not require that both parties do so.
If you are the Florida resident who intends to file for divorce, you must live in the state for 6 months prior to filing. You must prove your residency before a court will hear your petition.
To demonstrate that you intended to make Florida your permanent home, you can submit the following proof:
-A lease or mortgage on a home in the state
-Permanent employment in the state
-Membership in a church, country club, or other social organization
-The use of a Florida address for official correspondence
-A Florida driver’s license or registration
-Filing for state taxes
Wait Period
Although you may be anxious to end the marriage, Florida law requires a cooling off period of twenty days before the divorce is finalized. Courts do not want to divorce a couple who may be able to reconcile.
Legal Representation
It is best to retain legal counsel through the process. The Tampa divorce attorneys at the Law Office of Amber Boles will help guide you through the divorce in a way that protects your interests. If your spouse resides in Florida and you live in another state, you should hire a family law firm in Tampa FL to represent you before the court. The Tampa divorce attorneys at the Law Office of Amber Boles will ensure that you are treated fairly in the divorce proceedings.