Florida Residency Requirements: How Long Before We Can File Divorce?

If you and your spouse are thinking about getting a divorce soon, you might be wondering about the ins and outs of doing so. Tampa FL divorce attorneys, such as the experienced legal professionals at The Law Offices of Amber Boles, can assist you with answers to all of your questions. For example, you could be curious about Florida residency requirements if you are new to the Sunshine State. Contact our team at our family law firm in Tampa for answers to these questions and more.

How Long Do You Have to Live in Florida Before You Can Get a Divorce?

To file for divorce in Florida, you or your spouse must have lived in the state for a minimum of six months. If neither of you have lived in the Sunshine State for six months, then you will either have to wait a while to file divorce or look into divorce laws in the state that you were residing in prior to moving to Florida.

Do You Have to Provide Proof of Residency?

Not only do you have to be a residence of Florida for at least six months before you can file for divorce, you also have to be able to prove it. You also have to prove that you intended to make Florida a permanent home rather than just a vacation destination. For example, you’ll need to provide a copy of your lease or mortgage paperwork or proof that you have held permanent employment in Florida for an extended period of time. One of the experienced attorneys at The Law Offices of Amber Boles can assist you with proving your residency in the state.

Should You Hire an Attorney to Help With Your Divorce?

If you and your spouse are new residents in Florida and are ready to get a divorce, or if you are otherwise hoping to seek a divorce in Florida, then you should seek legal representation. You might need help with things like showing proof of residency, drafting up a divorce agreement and otherwise navigating the ins and outs of your divorce. Luckily, an attorney from a family law firm in Tampa can assist you.

Don’t try to handle your divorce without the help of experienced Tampa FL divorce attorneys. Contact us at The Law Offices of Amber Boles to schedule an appointment to talk about your case.

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