What Constitutes A No-Fault Divorce?
If you are seeking a divorce, it is usually best if it can be no-fault. In these situations, there can be substantial differences that will make the process much easier. For instance, since all states recognize no-fault divorces, it will be easy to do so no matter where you live. However, since there can be residency requirements and designated periods of time a couple must have been apart before being granted a no-fault divorce, always work with divorce lawyers in Tampa FL at the Law Office of Amber Boles to ensure no details are overlooked.
Irreconcilable Differences
When seeking a no-fault divorce, the most common basis is “irreconcilable differences.” This makes the process easier, since this term can include numerous reasons for splitting up. In addition, if you are the spouse filing for divorce, you are not required to prove any fault from the other spouse. Also, your spouse will not be able to object to your no-fault divorce petition, since this will be seen by the court as falling under “irreconcilable differences.”
Residency Requirements
In most states, residency requirements do exist that must be observed prior to being granted a no-fault divorce. In most cases, this is a period of six months to one year where you and/or your spouse must have lived in the state where you are filing for a no-fault divorce. To increase the likelihood you will have the divorce and any custody arrangements or other matters go in your favor, it is best if you file for divorce in the state where you are currently living. Should you have any questions about this, contact divorce lawyers in Tampa FL.
While a no-fault divorce is certainly easier than one which is being contested, issues may still arise. To make sure you have experienced legal representation, schedule a consultation with the Law Office of Amber Boles.